Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16 Moon

I travel by pannier and crutch on this moonlight night
a crisp tug at the collar is how this night air beckons
almost enough to yank us to our senses
almost enough to yank us from this dream
I travel by a slow and steady stride upon metal wings
they embrace earth and stair with the sure ease of mountain goats
with the cadence of a slave powered vessel -
Row... -
ROw... -
ROW ...
as the hull groans while slowly slicing the water, so groans I
with each move
every pace
I've made it to the kitchen.
The Far East of the house. Searching for fresh water and spices
finding sight of the October 16 moon ascending towards some heavenly throne
and I cross the threshold into the night air
by crutch and pannier
seeking more

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My double edged spot.

You love it that I have my spot.
My place to go to. My place
you can send me

Off to the spot.


You love that I recognize
I acknowledge
with participation


off to the spot.

Thing is

I kind of love my spot

more that I love you

so let's not pretend


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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Steel meet flesh. Flesh meet steel.

Why did you try to break me? When
I was feel-eel-ing so whole.

Whey did you try to make me? Gone
I was feel-eel-ing so pro.

I almost busted open. I almost broke it through. I almost cost a 4 leaf clover to turn over in a stew.

I almost fell apart there. I almost fell for good. I almost tossed into oblivion to find out that you are true.

Oh sure, you are so true now.
Oh sure, you are so brave.
oh sure, you are so true now.
oh sure, no one can say
say a bad word about you
no one can say no wrong
say a bad word about you
because you are too strong

oh sure, you are so true now
oh sure, you are so true
oh sure, you are so perfect in ways
yes yes, you know that's you

Why did you try to break me?
When you are so mighty strong.
Why did you try to break me,
When you are full bore never wrong.
Why did you try to break me?
Why did you try to break me?

I only wanted to go on

only wanted to go on

only wanted, only wanted, only wanted
only wanted, only wanted, only wanted,
only wanted, only wanted, only wanted

to go on

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Who am I missing?


Of course.

My dearest not here.

Of course

just you

My dearest not here

Who am missing?

I am missing you.

Only you.

only you

do I miss.

Who am I missing?

You my dearest, my dearest


Who am I missing?

You my dearest, I am missing you so much

I can't see

I can't see

I can't see



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